computer vision Finding the Seam: Auto Detecting Geology with Drones to Optimize Blasting Bench geology is easier than ever to add to your blast design. With automated detection and modeling you can optimize your blast. Prevent ore loss, reduce dilution, avoid flyrock, and more.
engineering Cracking Ore Deposit Prediction Our journey using Deep Learning to build an AI model capable of predicting ore deposits from satellite imagery and remote sensing data.
artificial intelligence Solving for Slope Stability Rock Mass AI gives you a wealth of geological insights into your site enabling you to plan ahead for designing optimum slopes and monitoring risky ones. Allowing you to maximize the profitability of your pit while still minimizing minimizing risk to your workers, equipment, and operations.
blasting Connecting the Solutions- Mining & Quarrying Companies Need an AI Powered Dashboard Data silos are a well known obstacle for the quarrying industry. Ravi Sahu and Kevin Vonesh have an answer- an AI powered Solutions Dashboard.
team Employee Spotlight- Shuo Zhong Strayos is proud to present... Shuo Zhong! [] Shuo aka Thor is our Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineer, located in our Buffalo, New York office. > Thor- Strayos'
drones Best Drones for Drilling & Blasting 2020 Best Drones for Drilling & Blasting 2020 Drone use in the drilling and blasting industry has increased dramatically in recent years. As companies seek to improve their blasting practices, for example, by adding more
internship Intern Spotlight - Judith Buaba Strayos is proud to introduce... Judith Buaba! Our Shooting Star and an Incredible Person. A mine tour to Coeur Wharf [] mine in South Dakota to complete
artificial intelligence Making Depleted Deposits Profitable by Increasing Extraction Efficiency Better extraction methods create better yields. As ore deposits become increasingly depleted and of lower quality, mines must become more efficient at accessing the remaining ore in order to maintain profitability while keeping commodity costs low enough to feed demand.
mining Influence of Front Row Burden on Mining Front row burden optimization improves the mean fragment size by 25% and reduces equipment cycle time by 20%.
internship Intern Spotlight - Richard Amoako Strayos is proud to introduce... Richard Amoako! An All Star Team Member and Awesome Guy Richard is studying Mining Engineering at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology [] Lab
internship Intern Spotlight - Emily Schottenfels Strayos is proud to introduce... Emily Schottenfels! One of our stellar Summer 2020 Interns and an awesome person. Emily [] is studying Structural Geology [
OCP Bench to Farm : A Better Blast Means a Better Crop How Strayos is Helping Feed the World Using AI based Mineral Extraction
covid-19 Business in the Covid-19 Era : Social Distancing in Mining, Quarrying and Infrastructure industry Covid-19 has ground the US and world economies to a standstill. Governments and businesses everywhere are enacting increasingly extreme measures to try to slow the spread. Multiple states and companies are now requiring
Quarry General Drilling and Maine Drilling & Blasting transforms their operations with Strayos The article details the experiences of the two companies have had working with Strayos, the problems they were facing, why they decided to work with Strayos, and how Strayos has improved their work
Quarry Digital Geology: A Key to improve blast performance Importance of Rock Mass properties Rock mass properties have a substantial influence on blasting outcomes. Blasting outcomes [