internship Intern Spotlight - Emily Schottenfels Strayos is proud to introduce... Emily Schottenfels! One of our stellar Summer 2020 Interns and an awesome person. Emily [] is studying Structural Geology [
OCP Bench to Farm : A Better Blast Means a Better Crop How Strayos is Helping Feed the World Using AI based Mineral Extraction
covid-19 Business in the Covid-19 Era : Social Distancing in Mining, Quarrying and Infrastructure industry Covid-19 has ground the US and world economies to a standstill. Governments and businesses everywhere are enacting increasingly extreme measures to try to slow the spread. Multiple states and companies are now requiring
Quarry General Drilling and Maine Drilling & Blasting transforms their operations with Strayos The article details the experiences of the two companies have had working with Strayos, the problems they were facing, why they decided to work with Strayos, and how Strayos has improved their work
Quarry Digital Geology: A Key to improve blast performance Importance of Rock Mass properties Rock mass properties have a substantial influence on blasting outcomes. Blasting outcomes [
Quarry Power of analytics in improving rock fragmentation Blasting is the most economical technique to achieve rock fragmentation in mines and quarries. The main objective of blasting is to realize the fragmentation in the desired size. Analytics can be of help in several considerations by providing a better understanding of the process.
drones The Ultimate Guide To Quarry Bench Mapping Using Drone Autopilot How to make bench mapping easier using drones?
smart drill The trade secret to improving the loading of Blast-Hole Drones as a standard tool in blast design Drone acquired data in the beginning of the blast design is rapidly being adopted throughout the mine and quarries blasting arena. Some mines and quarries
drone data Why drone data will be critical to securing the explosives industry One of the largest conundrums facing regulators in every country today is the security of explosive products. While mines are highly regulated and have some of the highest security available, all mine operators,