/ blast design

Webinar Summary- How to Build a Scalable Blast Optimization Program


Watch the webinar now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geZR7JsnVvk Download the presentation slides


Before, companies could get away with drilling and blasting the way it’s always been done. But now, with deposits depleting, market instability, razor-thin margins, increased scrutiny by communities and legislators, labor shortages, and increasing demand- the “way it’s always been done” isn’t good enough anymore. And everyone knows it.

Technology is making optimization affordable, easy, and accessible to everyone. Companies can realize real ROI on the optimization of their operations. If they don’t optimize, they risk falling behind their competition and even getting into trouble for failing to adopt these strategies.

However, “building blast optimization at scale” is challenging, and often organizations struggle to fully realize the benefits.

Zach Tobias from Maurer & Scott is sharing how they build blast optimization programs at scale.

Hear about...

  • What drove Maurer & Scott to decide to invest in blast optimization
  • The technologies they researched and ultimately adopted
  • The challenges they faced & how they overcame them
  • The workflows and best practices they use to achieve the best results at scale
  • The ROI they’ve realized

Zach is sharing the best practices, lessons learned through experience, and real-world examples of running the continuous optimization for every project.


With over 100 people attending  the webinar, we had an excellent discussion.

1.We are about to launch an HP(high precision drilling). All rigs to be installed with wenco to help with drilling as per design. The biggest challenge we have is network. what can be done to improve on the network and rig manuevability?

There are several options available that provide a network to drill rigs, whether it is through Wifi or UHF Radio.

2. How possible is it to stake out points using a drone?

The drone is a tool used to capture images to create a georeferenced 3D model. Once the 3D model is created and a drill design is completed within the model, the accuracy of the 3D model allows users to stake out their designed drill holes in the field using a GPS unit. Drill designs can be exported as CSV file which are read into the GPS data collectors.

3. How do you control Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) and Air Over Pressure (AOP) ?

There are several variables that contribute to controlling PPV and AOP such as loading and timing, burden relief, environmental and geological factors. As explosive engineers, these factors are to be accounted for to the best of the engineers ability to minimize the values.

4. Does the post blast report include looking at any problems that may have occurred from the wrong blasting cap placed in the hole or an human or equipment malfunction with the electronic detonator system.

The post blast report can include this information if entered by tBlasterter when filing the report. Comments and edits can be made to the report so that it is customized to the blasters operation.

5. I see how this can work for quarries or mines or how well has this worked for other types of blasting jobs?

Strayos can be leveraged in a variety of construction blasting jobs. Connect with one of our solution engineers to discuss how you can use within your blasting jobs.

6. What is the acceptable accuracy for the blastholes depths, burden and spacing?

The data is all dependent on what the user enters into the platform. Patterns designed and laid out on Strayos are dependent on the user input.


Zach Tobias is a Technical Representative in charge of 3D Photogrammetry, Boretraking, and Volumetric Surveying for Maurer & Scott Sales located in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania. He has over 5 years of experience, gaining both his Pennsylvania blasting license and Part 107 drone pilot license.

He holds a B.S in Environmental Geology from Kutztown University.

New technologies are rapidly changing the drilling, blasting, mining, and aggregates industries, empowering them in ways never before possible. Make sure you are taking advantage of the best tools available.

Check out our 2 Free E-books on AI applications for the drilling, blasting, and mining industries to see all the amazing advances that are available.

AI Guide for Drilling and Blasting
AI Guide for Mining

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