Employee Spotlight: Naved Siddiqui

Employee Spotlight: Naved Siddiqui

Naved Siddiqui chose the path less followed, he carved out his own destiny, often times taking the difficult and uncertain path because he knew the possible advantages far outweighed taking the safer more sure path. For that reason, we recognize him here today and tell his story...

Growing Up...
Naved grew up in the big city. He was a regular boy living in Mumbai India with loving parents and family who recognized early on that he would do great things and encouraged his academic pursuits. Naved embraced engineering and decided that that would be how he would make his impact. After attending the Sardar Patel College of Engineering he began his career as a systems engineer and rose to the ranks of senior developer before deciding the time was now to embrace the unknown.

Setting Off for Parts Unknown...
Leaving behind everything and everyone he had ever known and loved and off for adventure Naved set his eyes on the United States of America. Before too long he had been accepted into the University of Buffalo in the State of New York. He packed his clothes, bought some winter gear and relocated from Warm Sunny India to the city in the US with the most annual snowfall.

Life On the Fronteir...
After graduating with his Master’s in Computer Science and Engineering Naved made another daring and fateful decision. He applied for a position at Strayos.

Naved recognized early on that Strayos’ start-up culture, unique position as a cutting edge AI company in the critical industry of mining offered an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. Naved knew that only at Strayos would he be thrown into the thick of it, getting hands on experience daily solving real world problems that directly affected customers and actually make a difference in the world. Seeking a challenge, the opportunity to expand his experience with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and freedom and autonomy, he took the plunge.

Naved Joined Strayos in the winter of 2020 as a Full Stack Developer- drawing on his past experience as the best way he could contribute to the company. Since then he has been an integral part of the full stack team, working on many different products, contributing in a variety of functions, and becoming a valued friend and team member to his colleagues. Though he does miss the Mumbai street food and his friends and family.

Naved works tirelessly on the Vibration and Airblast Prediction AI, the Fragmentation AI and the Muckpile Analysis AI tools. He considers Pattern Burden Optimization to be a “hidden gem” and his numerous contributions helped make the Strayos platform what it is today. right now he is contributing to the creation of a dashboard tool that allows users to see their site data aggregated in one place with insights and predictions clearly communicated.

He often says to his colleagues his favorite part of working at Strayos is the multicultural environment. Different people from different backgrounds and nationalities combining their different perspectives to find a common solution.

If Naved were to find himself stuck on a disserted island, the three things he always said he wanted to have with him were a solar powered torch (to see at night), a rope (to do activities like climbing trees etc.) and a walkman (to listen to songs).

Still, for all of his practicality he is also a man who enjoys deep thoughts and broad experiences. Naved sees himself as an onion. Like an onion, Naved has many layers and sees its versatility as akin to his own.

If working at Strayos was a movie genre it would definitely be a mystery- at least to anyone on the outside -Naved

What's Next...
His hope for his future at Strayos is to be able to work on more Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality features. And to anybody thinking of joining Strayos he wants them to know “It's never easy but you get to learn a lot if you keep working at it.”

Naved is a man of simple pleasures and profound talent. A risk taker and adventurer. A friend, a colleague, and so much more to so many around him. He’s a big soccer fan, his favorite team? The Arsenal FC. He feels like he “watches, plays, and lives soccer.”

His inspiration? Quality work. He likes to make applications which are robust.

We will see what the future has in store for Naved, we certainly know he has plans for it!